Join us Tuesday, March 11 at Lickity Split in New Holland for our next ODC Night Out!

Our Mission

The Mission of the Occupational Development Center is to provide high quality and cost effective not-for-profit vocational training and employment opportunities for Lancaster County adults with developmental disabilities. Through a wide variety of contacts within the Lancaster County business community, contracts for service are established.

How We Work to Accomplish Our Mission

These contracts serve as a vehicle for training program participants as well as for providing a valued service to the business community. Participation in the program enables employees to become more independent, develop appropriate job and social skills, and foster self-esteem through acknowledgment of their meaningful contribution to the community.

A primary focus of the program is to enable participants to function their least restrictive work environment. This includes transitional services for high school students just starting to explore their options in the working world, opportunities in the work activity center, community-based employment experiences through mobile work crews, customized and supported employment programs, benefits counseling, and assistance in finding and maintaining competitive employment.

Work Alongside Of Us

Get in touch with us if you’d like to join in on our mission! We are always looking for great people to employ or volunteer and we’d love to have you.

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Our History

The Occupational Development Center is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1948, eventually being renamed the Child Development School (1950) and the the Child Development Center (1951). The concept for establishing the Child Development Center, was to provide tutorial instruction to children with developmental disabilities in an attempt to assimilate them into the community culture. The founders were Marian R. Headrick, whose son had developmental disabilities, and Olivia Stoner, whose nephew also had developmental disabilities. These two women rejected the agonizing alternative of institutionalizing these children, while also refusing to believe that the boys were “uneducable.”

By 1955, the demand for facilities necessitated the decision to undertake a building program. The location was chosen and the Center was arranged and equipped to accommodate the needs of small children. When the facility opened on May 13, 1956, 66 children with developmental disabilities under the age of 16 were enrolled in the program.

In 1958, State legislation was passed into law requiring public school systems to provide for the education of children with developmental disabilities until they reach the age of 16.

Since a state program was now going to be providing services which were the initial objective of the organization, the directors responded to the change by recognizing a need for a program to continue vocational training and personal development of individuals with developmental disabilities.

An Occupational Development Workshop was organized and a Federal Sheltered Workshop License was obtained. The organization’s objective then became an endeavor to provide specific vocational training in an effort to rehabilitate individuals with developmental disabilities, so that under constant supervision, jobs would be provided which would guarantee them continuing income in the hope that someday they could be become completely self-sufficient.

Work At The ODC

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