Join us Tuesday, March 11 at Lickity Split in New Holland for our next ODC Night Out!

What exactly do we do here at the Occupational Development Center?

From the perspective of our participants and their families, we offer them job and vocational skills training, and also help them with employment.

But from the perspective of area businesses, we make it our business to do their business.

That’s right, we can do your work for you. What could be better than that?

And we do this in three different ways:

  • You give us a job to do, and we’ll do it here at our facility.
  • You give us a job to do, and we’ll do it at your facility with one of our mobile work crews.
  • You give one of our participants a job and they become your employee. Period.

It’s a win-win situation, because our participants are hard workers who are trained to do a wide variety of tasks.

Take, for instance, Kinsey’s Outdoors in Mount Joy. We’ve been sending our mobile work crews out there several times a week since September of 2016. Deb Russell is the Inventory Control Manager there, and works with our crews. She had this to say:

“The team from ODC has been such a great support in our daily operations at Kinsey’s, and we’re proud to be working with such a wonderful organization. The ODC Mobile Work Crew arrives with a positive attitude that is contagious throughout our company. The way they support one another to accomplish the goals we’ve laid out for them is inspiring! The ODC employees are always happy to assist with any tasks we need, such as assembling boxes, packaging a variety of different products, applying labels, etc. and they take great pride in a job well done.

Kinsey’s would highly recommend ODC to any local companies that want to help their business while also helping the community!”

And recently Deb singled out one of our participants, Kristen.

Positive, Helpful and Encouraging are the words I would use to describe Kristen A.!

Kristen is part of the ODC Mobile Work Crew and as you can tell by her picture she’s always smiling when she’s working at Kinsey’s! She not only makes boxes but can package everything from Shooting Gloves to Brands items – bagging, labeling and attaching header cards. She’s always willing to learn new things by volunteering to try jobs she hasn’t done before.

When Kristen is working beside someone who is maybe struggling with getting items in bags she’s quick to give them an encouraging word…”You can do it” or “You got this Buddy”! And if one of her co-workers doesn’t like the job they were assigned to do, she is happy to switch places with them.

Occupational Development Center Mobile Work Crews

Kinsey’s is not alone. All of the companies we work with love our participants and the work they do.

So what do you have for us? If you own a business, what job can we do for you?

Also, what area businesses do you know that would be interested in hiring one of our participants?

We’d love to hear from you!