Join us for our next ODC Night Out at P.J. Whelihans (Belmont) on Thursday, February 13

It was just a little idea.

A few months ago, our Mobile Work Crew Supervisor Daryl was commenting that we needed to leave a card or something behind when one of our crews finishes a job, thanking the business or organization for giving our participants the opportunity to work and learn.

After a bit of thought and discussion, the idea morphed into getting some nice ODC mugs and possibly some coasters with a thank you message.

We had already been in contact with Megan Zettlemoyer, the owner of Typothecary Letterpress here in Lancaster, about some other ideas, and we ran the coaster idea by her. One thing led to another, and BOOM, Daryl’s little idea turned into something much bigger.


Over the past two weeks, we sent a number of our participants to Typothecary over the course of four days. Megan worked with them, explained how letterpress printing works, and then let us have a go at making our own coasters using her equipment and facilities.

So rather than just ordering some custom made coasters online, our participants had the chance to learn some new skills and put them to work so we could make our own coasters.

Putting the coasters into the press at Typothecary

ODC at Typothecary

ODC at Typothecary

And we had a lot of fun in the process!

We printed up about 1,000 coasters over the four days, printing one color on the coasters each day, so after day 4 they were complete.

We are so grateful for Megan and Typothecary Letterpress for working with us and being so open to our ideas.

We are grateful for new opportunities that provide our participants with new skills they can use as they walk the path toward independence.

And we continue to look for businesses and organizations who are willing to partner with us in similar working relationships. What can we do for you?

Who knows, you might even be the recipient of a mug and one of our brand new custom made coasters!

Give us a call at 717-397-4269 and let’s chat about how we can work together while creating opportunity through community, and then we can say,

“Thank you! You just showed individuals with disabilities that they are part of our community.”