Join us for our next ODC Night Out at P.J. Whelihans (Belmont) on Thursday, February 13

This week we got to spend some celebrating with two groups of folks who are our longest running supporters: the ODC Parents Group and the ODC Auxiliary. Each year in June we meet with them at their annual meeting (and potluck supper!) to receive donations from them.

These two groups date from our earliest days, all the way back into the very early 1950’s, when we were the Child Development Center. At the time, the Parent’s Group was more of a PTA, but for nearly 70 years these two groups have supported the work that we do.

In fact, we recently discovered that the ODC Auxiliary actually raised the money for a part of the land we are now sitting on, when we built the first portion of our building in 1956. The land they helped us purchase allowed us to expand our building in 1965, and again in 1984.

Throughout the year, both of these groups hold events solely for the purpose of raising money for the work we do. From nut, plant, and wreath sales to fashion shows, banquets, and our annual chicken BBQ, these events have become a part of the culture of the ODC.

As part of the annual meeting, these two groups, along with the Hempfield Women’s Club, presented us with checks that together total more than $9,000.00!

We are so grateful and appreciative of the hard work these groups do all year.

Thank you!

But what about you?

If you’d like to find ways of supporting the ODC, we have plenty of opportunities. If you are a family member of one of our participants, our Parents Group is open to you. Or, if you just want to help, consider joining our ODC Auxiliary. Just contact us and we’ll connect you with the right people.

And at least stay connected to our event calendar and Facebook as we’ll be regularly updating you on the fundraising events hosted by these two groups.

Again, thank you!