Join us for our next ODC Night Out at P.J. Whelihans (Belmont) on Thursday, February 13

It’s hard to believe, but 2018 is nearly over! Now that we are past Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, we can now focus more fully on the holidays.

And, now that the end of the year is approaching, many of us are thinking about our year-end giving in order to maximize our tax deductions.

With that in mind, there are a number of ways you can help the ODC this holiday season (and beyond), most of which won’t cost you anything!

Oh, sure, of course we would love to have you make a cash donation to our year end annual appeal, but that’s not the only way you can help us. You can also order some holiday nuts from the ODC Parents Group online (up until Monday, December 3rd).

But, here are a few more ideas for you:

Shop Amazon Smile

When you shop online via Amazon, make sure you log on at and select the Occupational Development Center as your charity of choice. A portion of all of your purchases will be donated to us! This is especially important to remember during the holiday season when many of us are most likely spending more online than usual.


Recycle your old cell phones

When you get that new phone for the holidays, why not consider donating your old cell phone to the ODC. We get cash for recycling these old phones. We can also recycle all of your old printer ink cartridges. You can drop it off here at the ODC, or at Elan Hair & Spa at 1401 Oregon Pike.


Donate your old clothing

As you get new clothing for the holidays, clean out those closets and donate your old clothing and other household items, to the Community Aid bin located in front of our building at 640 Martha Avenue. We get paid for what is donated. Have too much to haul here yourself? Give us a call!


Donate your old vehicles

Have an old car you’re looking to get rid of? How about a boat, truck, RV, or motorcycle? We’ll pick it up for you, and you’ll get a tax write-off. Just call us at 855-500-RIDE, mention the ODC, and we’ll take care of the rest. Or look for us online at


Dine Out

Use the diner card printed below each time you eat out at either Park City Diner or Knight & Day Diner, and a portion of your check will be donated to us. You get a great meal, and we benefit!


Need a reminder? Download our printable version of this list and hang it on your fridge!

Of course there are other ways to help, as well, such as liking our Facebook page and sharing our information with your friends. You can also follow us on Instagram.